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Grading Fantastic Beast: Secrets of Dumbledore

*Spoilers Ahead*

The third installment of the Fantastic Beast movie saga. Taken place in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter during the era when Albus Dumbledore was a Hogwarts professor and takes place outside of the said school. The story follows a former Hogwarts student Newt Scamander, who is a MagiZoologist - someone who studies the magical creatures in the world, in his adventures to protect the said creatures. At the same time, the most dangerous wizard at the time, Gellert Grindelwald, are at large. Grindlewald and Albus Dumbledore known each other since childhood and had a secret relationship whereas they made a pact to not fight each other. With Grindlewald continue to be an unmatched criminal where only Albus Dumbledore can confront him.


Fantastic Beast still incorporated

The latest MCU film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness ticked fans when they were not satisfied with the Multiverse of Madness part. They were expected to have the film jump through different multiverses, which they did in the film, but wanted more. And do not get me started with their cries about lack of more cameos.

The title in this film coincided what the movie is, which included magical creatures of the Harry Potter-verse, and laying out the secrets of Dumbledore. It is a well-crafted title having not only have the secrets of Albus Dumbledore’s told but the whole Dumbledore household.

Albus Dumbledore

What we know him in Harry Potter is the same as he is in this movie. Jude Law kept that continuity that Richard Harris started in the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, the composed, witty, and mild-mannered Albus Dumbledore that everyone watched when he came alive from the books to the theaters. The film kept Albus’ methods of trusting his students (former) while he also had a safety net for all of them.

Magical Battle

Even with the lack of muttering the spell they are releasing; I did find the battles great and by using the different type of spells did not make it look like they are from the Star Wars universe attacking with lasers. The battles between Albus Dumbledore against Credence and Grindewald, separately, showed why Albus was regarded one of the talented and greatest wizards in the world. It shows Albus wide range capabilities and just I said I appreciate them showing the different style and types of magic in a battle setting.


Jacob Kolawski

The muggle in Newt Scamander’s circle of friends. SInce the first movie of this saga, he has been mostly the comedy part with some scenes that was touchy. His banter with Newt’s brother Theseus on the train regarding the team Albus Dumbledore formed to combat Grindlewald. Felt bad when he had to be put on a “Cruciatus curse” but then still get his girl.


Credence got put aside

It has been a while since I watched the first two movies of the Fantastic Beast saga. I do vaguely remember that they were focusing on the Obscurial named Credence as a subplot. In the first movie, Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them, they introduced us to a Obscurial - a young wizard or witch who had developed a dark parasitical magical force, known as an Obscurus, as a result of their magic being suppressed through psychological or physical abuse - in the name of Credence. In the second movie, Fantastic Beast: Crimes of Grindewald, the story continues on with both Dumbledore and Grindlewald were looking for Credence as the former wanted to help the Obsucrial while the latter wanted him as his weapon. Come this movie, just as what Grindlewald did to Credence, the film put him aside as they do not have more to do with his character. As I said before that the films did not clickbait with the film’s titles, I commend it for that, but then again Credence is a Dumbledore, which is a secret. A secret that us watcher knew with a conversation between Albus and Aberforth. Yes, spoilers alert, Credence is Aberforth’s son from an unnamed mother that Aberforth’s left for some reason. At least they could have gotten a little bit of a flashback to show this and have Credence a decent closure in his own arc.

FInal Thoughts

Cannot get enough of the Wizarding World as I really love its concept. Showing the life outside of Hogwarts and even going to the other side of the world and introducing international witch and wizards that we have only a glimpse in the 8 film Harry Potter films. Introducing us to the history of the Wizarding World to introduce us to new interesting characters as well as beloved character in their younger years. It is not always a Gryffindor that can save the world, Hufflepuff can do it as well. It was a fun film that I was not able to watch in theaters, and I would have watched it as matinee than a first week got to watch it.

Thank you for reading!

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